Thursday, June 3, 2010


Yep, it's that time of year. Time for Day Camp!!!!

We'll be playing games all day, and, of course, we'll have something for you to take home. It'll be at Rotary park here in American Fork.
That's at 400 S 200 E , north pavillion. 10:00-3:00

*Boys can wear their uniforms, including last year's camp shirts

*Boys need to bring a sack lunch-we'll provide a cooler

*wear hats/sunscreen if needed

Get a permission slip from your leaders and turn it in as soon as possible.

We can't wait to see you there!!!

Friday, May 21, 2010


This month we're having a talent show. Come and demonstrate or display a talent you have, we're so excited to see what you've got.

Also, keep working in your F.I.G. books (Faith In God). We should be having some religious knots to award soon.

p.s. Thanks to all the boys and leaders who helped plan and carry out the primary activity. I think it will become yearly activity for us. The boys need the requirement and the service. Doing it annually will ensure all boys get a chance to participate.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

End of the Year!

In November, we'll be learning about the men and women we should show respect to for serve our country. We'll give them a big Cub Scout Salute!! And who knows, we might have a special visitor as well. In December, we'll focus on the light of the season and how we can be a light to others through service. Remember your Cub Scout Promise . . . to serve other people. Of course we'll have some holiday fun too.

Thanks for your patience with the changes that have been going on all year. We hope to stick with this set of leaders for a while now. Don't let them go!!! If there are any questions about your den meeting times or schedules, call me, the Cubmaster.

Also, don't forget to work on your Faith in God. Let's see if we can all earn our Religious Knot to add to your shirt. If you don't know what I'm talking about call your leaders, or me, and we'll get you a booklet, like this.

Happy Holidays to everyone!!!

Monday, June 8, 2009


We hope to have a fun and exciting summer, despite all the new changes that may be going on. So, here's the plan!!!

There will be no June Pack Meeting as it happens to land the same week as Day Camp.
Day Camp is June 27!!
We're going to have so much fun. There will be games, crafts, water play, and many more great activities. You do not want to miss this. We will also provide lunch, but bringing a water bottle is always a good idea. I'm sure it will be a nice warm day.
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Place: Pavillion at the Church house on 300 N 400 E.
Who: All Cub Scouts; Wolves, Bears, and Webelos!!!

We will be having an early Pack Meeting in July, on the 8th. Hopefully, this will not conflict with any vacation plans. We'll do all the awards earned in June at this time. More details on the activities will come later.

Thanks so much for your patience. We'll see you all there!!

Friday, February 6, 2009

February Newsletter

Theme: AMERICAN!! Blue and Gold Banquet

It’s time for our annual banquet, yeah!! We’re so excited for you all to come. We’ll have a wonderful dinner accompanied with our usual mayhem of games, awards, and activities. Mark your calendars, we’ll see you there.


Webelos den--Citizen badge. In Developing Talents section, number7, says “List five things you can do to help around your home. Discuss the importance of obeying and honoring your parents and learning how to work.” While working on their Citizen, they learned how to make and keep a job chart. Complete this requirement with a little more discussion with parents.
Bear den-- made a marble maze game. In the Serving Others section, number 5, it says “Entertain young children with songs or games you have learned or made yourself. . . .” He would just need to play his game for younger children (like at pack meeting) and finish the rest of that req.


· Webelos scouts Jonathan Pierce, Jacob Phillips, Michael Allen, Andrew Merrell, Logan Heath, and Torick Davis have all earned their Citizen Activity Badges along with the Citizenship Belt Loop.

· Wolf scouts Dalton Brems, Jensen Lawrence, Ben Sessions, and Jacen Phillips have all earned their Bobcat rank.

· Webelos Scout Jonathan Pierce has also earned his Naturalist, Scholar, and Forrester Activity Badges.


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

January Newsletter

Theme: “A-Maze-Ing” Games

January is a good time for indoor fun. Make and solve puzzles, stump your friends with riddles, build a maze, or enjoy any of the games you have at home. You will not only have a lot of fun in these activities, but you will also learn new things. Some of the things you will learn doing with these activities include resourcefulness, sportsmanship, and honesty. All of these are essential in being a good Scout.

Reminder: Each boy can bring his favortie Board game to Pack Meeting to share!!!

Also, anyone who brings a riddle to Pack Meeting to share will get an extra something!!


In the Faith in God booklet under Serving Others, item #8 says “Read the twelfth article of faith. Discuss what it means to be a good citizen and how your actions can affect others.” This month all the Cub Scouts should have been learning the 12th Article of Faith in Primary or their dens. The Webelos have discussed how to be good citizens in their den meeting. They have completed this requirement. The Bears and Wolves can quickly finish this one at home discussing the last part with you.


Webelos scout Jonathan Pierce has earned his Artist, Handyman, Readyman, Showman and Traveler Activity Badges. He also earned his Physical Fitness Pin.

Wolf scout Justin Pierce has earned his Wolf Gold Arrow point along with 6 Silver Arrow points.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Gingerbread Houses

Here are some pictures of the houses the boys made this last month.